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 LPD-Форум —› Полезные ссылки —› Доработка TwinTalker 3000
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с дек 2005
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Дата: 24 Янв 2006 14:31:45 · Поправил: Qwerty_Alex #  


TwinTalker 3000
For all people that own the UCOM Twintalker 3000 (which is the Topcom Twintalker 3000, see TwinTalker 3000), you can extend the range of the channels. Did you never notice that when switching on the device there is a little crack just before the device switches on? Well I did! :) It gave me the idea that at this point the device is initializing according to some EEPROM settings orso... I thought maybe the settings can be changed... and the good news is... IT CAN!!! However the TX and RX range don't seem to change in the same way. Making these modifications to two devices doesn't make them work together (must be something else... I already noticed empty component places on the PCBs inside the devices, might be due to this version...)

* switch device off
* press POWER-ON simultanously with TALK (PTT) button

You will have two options 1 and 2 (switch between them with the "FUNCTION" scan button) under the first option there are six(!) 0,1,2,3,4,5 suboptions and under the second there are two 0,1 suboptions. You can select a specific setting by pressing and HOLDING the SPEAKER button until the device switches off. By now switching the device on like you normally do, you will have extra channels... The second option is not so interesting it switches the speaker from normal state=0 (only on when something received) to always on=1. However the first option is much more interesting, the numbers below denote the subnumbers for option 1 (switch between suboptions bij UP or DOWN button):

SubOption You'll get
0 8 chan/38 CTCSS (normal operation)
1 12 chan/38 CTCSS
2 20 chan/38 CTCSS
3 14 chan/38 CTCSS
4 15 chan/38 CTCSS
5 20 chan/38 CTCSS

If you select option 5 you will also get a third mainoption with suboptions 0 and 1 (I have tested this mode but do not have a clue what it does actually) What normally is used as the volume bar seems now to be also used to denote channels below 10 or above 9. The first segment lights up if channel is > 9 and dimms when channel is 1 to 9.

I assume the suboptions 0,1,2,3 are ONEWAY RADIO and option 4 or 5 are TWOWAY RADIO. Normally when the device is switched on it displays: "F rs", when suboption 4 or 5 is selected it says "2 rs", which I assume means 2 WAY, however I'm not sure. If suboption 4 or 5 is selected the volume bar also is used for something else... When going through all options, normal the last one is VX On/Off, but now there is another, which once again uses the VOLUMEBAR. The last 5 segments denote something I assume is HIGH or LOW (dunno what exactly could be power output or something). You can set it to something where the most left of the 5 last segments lits together with the middle, or to a case where the last of the last 5 segments lits together with the middle ( something like . : or : | ). Too bad I haven't been able to get two modified PMRs working together. Listening with a scanner on frequencies in the range 433[MHz] to 480[MHz] didn't give me any indications what exactly is happening to the actual TX frequencies. Sometimes I seemed to have found the PMR but when releasing the PTT switch and pushing it again doesn't always got it back on the same frequency, so maybe the PLL inside can not do frequencies beyond the 8 ordinary PMR channels (but I really doubt that).

I received an interesting email from gingerpale@hotmail.com that explains a bit more of the behaviour of the TT3000 in the hidden modes. Read it for yourself:

Hello Stern,

I like your webpage info about the TT3000. I have also purchased the TT3000 in a Dutch Lidl store. So I thought after reading your info to play with it some more and help you out a little bit. I think I found the reason why your scanner doesn't lock to the modified TT3000.I picked up the signal on my spectrum analyzer and found that if you select a different suboption than 0 the PLL is unlocked and the carrier wobbles more than the 12.5 kHz IF BW. So your scanner won't lock! Especially not in search mode.

I found the following: Suboption 1, 3, 4 and 5: The PLL is unlocked and wobbles around f=457.040 MHz, depending on the device (if you take the other TT3000 it can be on another freq. somewhere around f=457.040). Also moving your hand around the device causes a big frequency shift. So the two are not wobbling around on exactly the same frequency. Suboption 2: The PLL is unlocked and wobbles around f=437.760 MHz.

So the carrier is modulated, but the RF frequency is not stable. I think they align the VCO according into which country it is sold. With the suboptions selected, it tries to lock to a different frequency allowed in a certain country, like suboption 2 is probably trying to lock to f=433.xx MHz but can't reach it. SO or you have to realign the VCO or maybe even change some of the components ?

I also measured the output level in suboption 5 by playing with the volume bar, but the output power remained the same in all cases.

I also developed my own headset schematic since I don't own the original one. It works fine, also in VOX mode and with a PTT button.

Maybe this helps. Pale Ginger

On December 28, 2002 I received an email from Erik Simonsen that included the details of making the TT3000 work in the 460+MHz band. Below you will find his email. NOTE: I did not try to make this modification myself yet!

Hey i have tried to make some mods on the twintalker . I have measured the vco voltage on ch 8 an ch 1 in mode o the normaly pmr mode .CH 8 0,86 V. CH1 0,84V. Remove the coppertape foil on the vco box make a larger hole but be carefully not to destroy the coil below the hole. Set the pmr to mode 5 select ch 19 push ptt and slowly bent the coil longer to the voltmeter read about 0,86 V. Ive got following freq. +-800 hz .
Channel Frequency
1 462.700
2 462.725
3 462.6125
4 462.6375
5 462.6625
6 462.6875
7 462.7125
8 467.5625
9 467.5875
10 467.6125
11 467.6375
12 467.6625
13 467.6875
14 467.7125
15 462.575
16 462.625
17 462.675
18 462.550
19 462.600
0 462.650

Mode 431 works also but you must retune vco coil. I make mods on both radios and they work together On my desk Mods you are making is at own risk.

On 17-11-2003 I received an email by Jo which contained a forwarded email from Didier Dos Santos from Topcom itself. Below is its contents, I didn't find time to try these things out myself, so everything you do (or don't do) are on you own behalf.

1) Place battery in the battery compartment
2) Press and HOLD (at the same time) the following buttons - TALK - POWER - MENU buttons
~ The LCD will display the Main Number and the Sub number
~ The main number and sub number represents a corresponding number of Channels and Frequency setting.

NOTE: The correct Software setting for TT3000 is 1.0

(Example: 1.0)
Where 1 is the Main number and 0 is the Sub number.
~ You can change to Main number setting by pressing - MENU button (display can be changed from 1 / 2 / 3 / 4) ==> 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-1
~ You can change the Sub number by pressing the UP or DOWN arrow key (display can be change from 0 to 7)

3) Press and HOLD the MONITOR button to save - The LCD display will go blank.
~ This will indicate the software setting is completed.

Press SPEAKER button hold it and press SCAN button, release SPEAKER button while holding SCAN button, now the speaker stays switched on (same works if you take UP or DOWN or SWITCH button instead of SCAN button (however with DOWN button the sound dimms for a second until you release the button). This is the same effect as holding the SPEAKER button, until you hear a beep. I am further exploring the device using schematics of similar devices (see Albrecht's PMR446 Schematics).

The method described below to remove the PTT Release Tone also comes from Erik Simonsen. Use at your own risk!

Removing the ptt relase roger tone. Locate the 3 electrolytic caps in the upper half same side as vco box. locate the middle one, locate solderleg points off it to the left side off it there are 3 smd resistors the most left of them marked 333 . Cut pcb just below it just between resistor and the small hole that goes to the other pcb side and you get quit of that irritating roger tone.

Вообще сайт http://www.pulsarfm.nl достаточно интересен
Дата: 10 Июн 2007 16:55:06 #  

Знатоки , помогите!
У меня именно таких пара штук.
друг на друга не работают. Не пойму в чем дело.
передача идет , прием идет , на обоих все совершенно одинаково настроено.
И не слышно друг друга , как будто они в разных диапазонах.

причем как написано выше вот так
* switch device off
* press POWER-ON simultanously with TALK (PTT) button
войти в меню не получается.
что может быть?
Дата: 19 Дек 2009 17:15:20 #  

У меня точно такая же ситуация, нашли ли вы решение проблемы?
с июл 2007
Верхняя Пышма
Сообщений: 286

Дата: 19 Дек 2009 19:40:33 #  

CTCSS может по разному настроены???

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